Thursday, July 3, 2014

Six months old!!

Oh, little Baxter, you're not so little any more!  This boy is sitting up and having a great time!!  He's starting to roll all over the floor much like Ruby did to get where he sees something interesting.  He's reaching for stuff and grabbing hair and not letting go!  The kids really want him to start crawling...not so sure I'm ready for that!  He is eating two, sometimes three, solid meals a day and loves all kinds of food (not that you'd know since he screams when he eats and covers his whole self with his food so that he can lick it off, strange kid!)  Baxter definitely has become super attached to his Mama.  He knows when I'm around and when strangers are around.  He still doesn't like noise and has entered that stage of nursing where he can't eat if there's something more interesting or noisy going on around him.  Thank goodness we're halfway to a year!!

In other Ingram news...
Rachel swam the whole way across the pool by herself today!!  She might even swim in a meet next week!
Ford has learned how to add 100s and is trying to work his way up to the time telling lesson so he can wear a Thomas watch!
Ruby wants to do school work as much as possible even though nobody else is up for it.  She is starting to put letters together and sound them out.   The girl wants to read like Rachel!
Allen is getting a new truck and a new jeep for his birthday...did you think he could seriously go a year without changing cars?
I have a job!  It's a small one, but for one week at the end of July I'm going to teach dance at an arts camp at our church since Allen can be home with the kids.  It's only 4.5 hours a day, but should be fun!
We are getting closer every day to purchasing our land and starting construction on the Ingram Family Farm.  Just waitint on survey and perk test right now, then things should really get moving!!

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